Featured site - Petersburg.ie
Featured site - Petersburg.ie
Posted: May 10, 2007 by Tatu Wikman
Ok, so Featured Site Of The Week is just two months late, sorry Singapore kept me busy :) As I came back from Singapore and started browsing through new sites mentioned in cms show off forum I was greeted with tens of great sites all around the world. Great job everybody. Todays site Petersburg.ie comes from Ivan with the usual questionnaire. tsw) Who are you and where are you going to? Ivan) We are The Design Tribe, small creative web design studio based in Galway City on the West Coast of Ireland. ‘The Design Tribe’ consists of a three person team, Ivan who is responsible for all design and CSS, Alan the PHP/general ‘code monkey’ & Sue-Anne in Admin/Accounts. As a team, our main objective is to diver web design/solutions that are well designed, easy to use and functional. tsw) What is this site all about? Ivan) Petersburg.ie is a website for an Outdoor Education Centre in north Galway. The centre provides outdoor education courses to all age groups. The aim of the site was to promote the centre and to excite potential visitors about the possibility of using its facilities. We designed a site that used the strong bold colours often associated with the outdoor clothing industry. The site also features a one minute long ‘Petersburg Adventure’ flash animation that quickly shows the viewer where the centre is located in Ireland and also gives them a flavour of what awaits them in a days’ activities. tsw) Why did you choose CMSMS? Ivan) Having evaluated several open sources CMS’s - we chose CMSMS as it (A): had a beautifully designed end-user interface and (b): it allowed us great flexibility in delivering a perfectly tailored solution to each clients particular needs. CMSMS is just perfectly positioned in terms of functionality & features - it’s neither to simple nor to complex. I could go on all day listing out the various reasons why we like CMSMS – but basically - it allows us to produce multifaceted, well designed sites, relatively easily. tsw) How do you create your designs? Ivan) The design phase of any project starts with listening to the client and trying to ascertain their needs, tastes and wishes. All our designs start as a blank page in Photoshop so we boot it up and start determining the layout & colour schemes that best suits our clients’ needs. From here the design can go anywhere but the objective is always the same – a well designed usable site. Our designs are always a mix of eye-candy & functionality. Websites are meant to be used by users - so in our opinion usability comes a first, followed closely by eye-catching design. tsw) What have been your major problems with CMSMS? Ivan) Debugging can be slow. We've made a some modifications nearly creating our own development branch, but this means that we can't upgrade our base install without a lot of work. tsw) What has been good about CMSMS? Ivan) The framework that it provides, initially the learning curve is a little steep, but once you figure it out you can customise any site & provide great functionality quickly. The entire package is well engineered, big kudos to Ted and his army of helpers. tsw) Did you use extra modules? Ivan) Yeah, used Album & feedbackform, hacked one together and we have a nice beta Property Manager on the way - which may be good enough for the community (good enough for the community to hack apart anyway J ) tsw) How did the site launch go? Ivan) Flawlessly – after the launch the client had a few changes/additions – CMSMS made them a walk. tsw) In your own opinion what's good about this site and what's bad? What would you do differently? Ivan) We could have done with a bit more time to configure the album layout for the Gallery module. Otherwise we were very happy the project. tsw) Thank you very much on taking the time to answer these questions. Now, what would you like to say to fellow CMSMS'ers. Ivan) Dia daoibh! & CMSMS rocks! Nicely done site, Thanks Ivan! Hopefully I will have more time to write these articles more often during the summer!