Announcing CMSMS - Security Release

Announcing CMSMS - Security Release

Today we release CMSMS which fixes a long standing, though important issue in the News module. We recommend that everybody upgrade their installations as soon as possible.

Category: General, Releases
Posted: August 27, 2011 by calguy1000

Today we have released CMSMS, a minor release that fixes a single security issue in the news module. Essentially, a malicious person could via accessing a sincle URL corrupt your news articles. This issue has been around for a long time, and only recently came to light. We recommend that everybody upgrade their CMSMS installs as soon as possible. There is no database schema change in this version, therefore we have provided 'patch' versions to make this easier for those that are running a recent version of CMSMS. You should be able to download the appropriate 'diff' package, and upload it directly to your site(s). Thank you for your time and consideration. We would like to thank the people that reported this issue in a professional and mature manner.

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