We won!

We are delighted to let you know that we won the award for ‘Best Open Source CMS’ in the CMS Critic 2017 Awards.

Category: General, Announcements
Posted: November 8, 2017 by scotch33

We’re so proud to have another accolade for CMS Made Simple. It reflects not only the fantastic ongoing work of the many volunteers who have been part of the dev team over the years, but also the strong support of the wonderful CMSMS user base.

So, to all of you that voted in the awards, encouraged your customers to vote in the awards and generally showed CMSMS the love it deserves, we the dev team would like to thank you. Your active participation in the community is always appreciated. Without all of you CMSMS would not be the system it is today. We look forward to continuing the development of CMSMS for you to make sure it remains at the top of its game for many years to come.

Once again. Thank you!

Your CMSMS Development team

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