Blog Categories

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CMS Made Simple Joins GitHub, Ushering in a New Era of Community Collaboration

Posted January 31, 2025 by scotch33
Category: General, Announcements

The Dev Team is delighted to make a big announcement today.  The CMS Made Simple code base is now set up and available as a GitHub project.

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CMSMS vs WordPress – a personal opinion

Posted September 13, 2024 by simon
Category: General

An experienced web developer who has been using Wordpress for a few years asked me to convince her why she should be using CMSMS. Even though she is a capable coder, projects were taking too much time. Mainly because WordPress was making it harder than necessary. So I told her...

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2.2.20 In Review

Posted June 17, 2024 by simon
Category: General

In an ongoing effort to improve transparency of the Dev Team, we'd like to take this opportunity to discuss a few of the issues that arose during and after the release of CMSMS 2.2.20.

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CMS Made Simple 2.2.21 - Sherbrooke

Posted June 6, 2024 by digi3
Category: Releases

Hello CMSMSers!

Today we are announcing the release of CMS Made Simple 2.2.21 - Sherbrooke, an incremental bug fix release.

This version addresses a few bugs that came up after the last release:

  • template inheritance was broken for content blocks;
  • the page editor didn't show the text area field for content blocks on some configurations when template inheritance was used;
  • the page editor timed out on some cases (Smarty infinite loop);
  • there was a typo on the page error class that made it impossible to use it;

These bugs were important enough to warrant a new release as soon as it we could diagnose, fix, and test them.

Please see the changelog for a full list of fixes.

As per the Dev Team's official support policy, the only versions of CMSMS currently supported are now v2.2.20 and v2.2.21. Please upgrade at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time, and have fun using CMSMS!

CMS Made Simple 2.2.20 - Saguenay

Posted May 1, 2024 by digi3
Category: Releases

Hello fans of CMS Made Simple!

Today we are announcing the release of CMS Made Simple 2.2.20 - Saguenay, an incremental bug fix and stability release.

This version addresses the much awaited support to the most recent versions of PHP, making it stable with PHP 8.3.0+. We have also tested thoroughly its compatibility with mySQL 8.0+ and found no notable issues while running under these recent versions.

We have thus upgraded our template engine, Smarty, to version 4.5.2, the latest on the version 4 branch. While there is already a version 5 branch there are some important changes that will impact its use with CMSMS, most notably “dropping support for the use of unregistered callables (such as PHP functions) in templates” (see this discussion) which would break pretty much every CMSMS site on upgrade and would need a considerable effort from our users base to convert these templates back to usable ones. That doesn’t mean that there are no solutions, but instead that we are considering our options moving forward so that we can keep compatibility as much as possible, and breakage to a minimum, if any, when moving to Smarty 5.

In the meantime Smarty code will spam server PHP logs if not properly filtered. We recommend that you filter ~E_DEPRECATED on productions sites, to prevent these messages from crowding the logs as this won’t impact the site functionality in any way.

A side effect from using Smarty with PHP versions above 8.1 is that the regular PHAR installer will no longer work on Windows environments. We are addressing that issue but, in the meanwhile, the Expanded PHAR installer still works properly on all platforms and can be used to circumvent that issue.

As an added bonus, the PHAR installer and redirection loop issue, an ongoing obstacle that occurred on LiteSpeed web servers, seems to have been fixed with PHP versions 8.2.16 and above, so using the regular PHAR installer on these servers should no longer present any problem.

The UserGuide2 module, currently available as an add on, has become UserGuide and joined the core modules. It is released with a CMS Made Simple Foundation video course pre-installed, streaming a handful of lessons essential to an editor. These will show an editor how to use the file manager, the content manager and the news module as well as showing them how and where to get further help. For those not wishing to include this module, it can be deselected when doing an advanced mode install/upgrade.

Additionally, this version fixes many minor bugs that have been lingering over the past few years, as well as some usability and performance improvements. Please see the changelog for a full list of fixes and improvements.

As per the Dev Team's official support policy, the only versions of CMSMS currently supported are now v2.2.19 and v2.2.20. Please upgrade at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time, and have fun using CMSMS!

CMS Made Simple 2.2.19 - Selkirk

Posted November 28, 2023 by digi3
Category: Releases

Today we are delighted to announce the release of CMS Made Simple v2.2.19 - Selkirk. v2.2.19 - Selkirk is an incremental bug fix and stability release.

For further detailed information, please see the changelog where there is a full list of fixes and improvements.

As per the Dev Team's official support policy, the only versions of CMSMS currently supported are now v2.2.18 and v2.2.19. Please upgrade at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your continued support and use of CMS Made Simple!

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