Module Forking Project

CMS Made Simple continues to develop, meaning there are always more modern, leaner ways to achieve site solutions. As community developers come and go, third party modules can end up without an active developer. In order to help mitigate this, we have created this reference page. Below you will see popular alternatives for modules that have perhaps grown a little old for the most recent version of CMSMS. You'll also see where modules are being forked and who the module is being forked by with a link to the Forge entry for that module.

There’s already been a huge commitment to fork those modules that need to continue evolving. As you will see from the list below, a number of new forks are at the release stage. There are also modules we believe it would be useful to fork, and we present those below with a call out to the community for volunteers to join us in spreading the workload.

There are also those modules that have outlived their usefulness, and that the more experienced site developers in the community have found better solutions for within the CMSMS ecosystem. For those of you who are interested in best-practice ways to spring clean your sites and implement new solutions, we have a number of Frequently Asked Questions that will give you the information you need.

We’re looking forward to working with and for our community, continuing the tradition of robust third party modules that keep CMSMS the fantastic web solution it has always been.


Forked and released

Click on the title of the forked module to access its page on the Forge.

Forked and in development

Forks Planned

  • CGEcommerce Suite (KiwiChris) - no ETA

Alternatives to modules that are not forked / forked pre-release

There are many legacy modules that LISE (List It Special Edition) does a fantastic job of replacing. The functions of all the below modules have been recreated and, in many cases added to, using LISE. Additional functionality has been added on bespoke projects by developers using FormBuilder and UDTs / Plugins. Don't forget you'll find many of these developers in our Slack channel if you want to pick their brains.

  • CGBlog
  • CompanyDir
  • Banners
  • Glossary/FAQ
  • Products, Orders (and many other e-commerce elements)
  • plus many more.

Are you forking a module? Let us know!

Drop us a line at

Are there modules you would like to bring to the attention of the community?

You can also contact us at

Our Partners:
EasyThemes Themeisle